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Swadhar Greh Scheme will provide roofing to destitute women, employment will also become easier


Swadhar Greh Scheme will provide roofing to destitute women, employment will also become easier 1

new Delhi. Despite a lot of progress in the country, women have not yet achieved what they should. She is often the victim of domestic violence, dowry harassment and many other problems. Swadhar Greh Scheme is run by the government to support such women. In this, they are not only given a place to live, but by training them on different things according to their ability, they are made to earn a living. So, what is the plan and what things can be found in this, let us know.

Purpose of the scheme
The main objective of Swadhar Grih Yojana is to provide shelter, food, clothing etc. to the shelterless women. It also aims to strengthen them emotionally, provide legal help for women to return to their families, provide them self-employment training and enable them to live in society by returning their self-esteem. So that women can live like other people by raising their heads.

Who gets the benefit
Under this scheme, women who are socially excluded and economically vulnerable, who have been separated from the family by themselves, suffer from disaster, have returned from prison for a crime but remain with them If there is nothing to do, victims of prostitution and human trafficking, HIV victims and domestic violence etc., such women can get the benefit of Swadhar Grih Yojana.

Benefits from
There are many benefits under Swadhar Grih Yojana – if a woman is suffering from domestic violence then she is allowed to stay in hostel for one year. So that he can handle himself. If their problem is more, then it is divided into three categories. Depending on it, she can stay here for three years. Women above 55 years of age can stay in Swadhar Greh for 60 years, after which they are sent to the old age ashram. If the woman also has daughters among her children, the daughter can remain with the mother until she attains the age of 18 years. If there is a son, he can stay with the mother till he completes the age of 12 years. Apart from this, temporary accommodation, food and medical facilities are also provided for their stay. In order to enable women to run their own jobs, they are also given necessary training.


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